2021 Guangzhou Image Tainnial

2021 广州影像三年展

2021 广州影像三年展展览主题交融的激流,在全球因新冠病毒的流行而陷入混乱之际,世界似乎坠入了霍布斯式的连续与全面的战争。个体与他者、人类与自然之间的信任关系濒于瓦解,随处可⻅的紧急状态令我们如同惊弓之⻦。但事实上这场危机亦带来了反思的契机:如何重建与我们所处星球间的关联,如何修复人类与其他形式的生命与物质间的共生模式,如何在这种动荡中获取一种新的思考与感知世界的能力,都成为即刻且关键的议题。交融的激流即立足于这些问题,我们尝试将文字打散、重组来回应,形成流动的,混合的画面。透过不同尺度的纠缠与相互波动,将地球塑造为一种介于人与非人、身体与物质、精神与能量之间的生成性网络,并呼吁行动、思想和知识的重生。

The exhibition theme of the 2021 Guangzhou Image Triennial is "Intermingling Flux". As the world is in chaos due to thepandemic of the new crown virus, the world seems to have fallen into a Hobbesian continuous and full-scale "war". The trustrelationship between the individual and the other, human beings and nature is on the verge of disintegration, and theubiquitous "state of emergency" makes us shocked. But in fact, this crisis has also brought an opportunity for reflection: how torebuild the relationship with our planet, how to repair the symbiosis mode between human beings and other forms of life andmatter, and how to obtain a new kind of turbulence. His ability to think and perceive the world has become an immediate andcritical issue. "The torrent of fusion" is based on these problems. We try to break up and reorganize the words in response toform a fluid, mixed picture. Through the entanglement and mutual fluctuations of different scales, the earth is shaped into agenerative network between human and non-human, body and matter, spirit and energy, and calls for the rebirth of action,thought and knowledge.


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